Round 1
Both fighters were cautious and the opening round was one for them to feel each other out. Spence was popping a jab and landed a nice shot to the body, but not much happened.
Spence’s round, 10-9.
Round 2
A similar round to the first. Garcia managed to land a hook early in the round and then a short right in Spence’s corner. Spence had a combination in which he led with the left, followed with a right and came back with a left. Both are trying to set traps.
Spence’s round, 10-9. Total, 20-18 Spence.
Round 3
Spence is beginning to find a home for his straight left hand, as he lands it several times. Garcia appears to be trying to set Spence up for a lead left hook. Spence landed a nice combination near the bell that won him the round.
Spence’s round, 10-9. Total, 30-27 Spence.
Round 4
Spence begins to open up. He’s firing his jab a lot and landing it more regularly. He lands several strong left hands, one of which snapped back Garcia’s head. Spence’s confidence seems on the rise. Garcia didn’t do much save for a good right near the end of the round.
Spence’s round, 10-9. Total, 40-36 Spence.
Round 5
Spence now firing that left hand often, and it’s connecting. Garcia’s face is starting to puff up and you can see welts developing. He’s not been able to get a consistent offense rolling. Spence seems like he’s beginning to roll.
Spence’s round, 10-9. Total, 50-45 Spence.
Round 6
Spence now in total command. He’s firing a hard jab regularly and following with his straight left. It’s connecting regularly, and Spence is out landing Garcia better than 3-to-1.
Spence’s round 10-9. Total, 60-54 Spence.
Round 7
Spence kind of cruised in that round, as he may have taken a breather, but he still did more there. His jab keeps Mikey away and he lands that left often enough. Blowout at this point.
Spence’s round 10-9. Total, 70-63 Spence.
Round 8
Spence is in a rhythm, boxing superbly. He’s using all of his advantages: Speed, quickness, reach and power. Garcia can’t get off and his face is reddened and he looks to be weakening.
Spence’s round, 10-9. Total, 80-72 Spence.
Round 9
Spence now seems to be stepping it up and looking for the finish. It’s the same thing, a 1-2, but he’s firing harder and hurting Garcia. Punches are more than 4-1 in favor of Spence. The corner could stop this soon.
Spence’s round 10-9. Total, 90-81 Spence.